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Nothing beats prevention

Address the small things with preventative healthcare to avoid future problems. 

Nothing beats prevention

Address the small things with preventative healthcare to avoid future problems.



Health is paramount, prevention is key

Over 1/3 of healthcare visits focus on prevention. From healthy habits to screenings to check-ups, investing in preventative care boosts member engagement, cuts healthcare expenses, and most importantly, adds years to life expectancy.

An unhealthy population has compounding effects from the members to the team responsible for their benefits. Chronic conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and depression, significantly contribute to productivity losses. This affects not just companies' bottom lines but also the well-being and productivity of individuals covered by health insurance plans.

Making health a priority - for yourself and for others - is a commitment. But it can start with preventative health measures.


3 Essential steps to preventative healthcare

clinical_notes_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24Implement Preventative
Screening Programs
Provide access to screenings, check-ups, and preventative healthcare services, encouraging individuals to undergo routine screenings and preventive measures to detect and address health issues early, before they escalate into more serious conditions.
award_star_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24Offer Incentives
for Preventative Care
Introduce programs offering rewards, discounts, and incentives to individuals who engage in preventative healthcare activities, motivating participation and commitment to proactive measures.
mindfulness_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24Prioritize Wellness
Invest in personalized wellness programs and initiatives that promote healthy habits, including nutrition, exercise, stress management, and mental health support, fostering a culture of well-being and empowering members to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Proactive health solution

FitOn Health offers preventative care features like nutrition education, condition-based health programs, and chronic illness support. Top employers and health plans partner with us to cut costs associated with chronic conditions and hospitalizations, securing long-term savings.

condiion baseCondition-based health educationExpert-led courses for people managing chronic conditions to help them with diabetes, stress, sleep, MSK, fall prevention, and more.
nutitional copy 2 (1)NUTRITIONAL GUIDANCEAccess personalized nutritional guidance to create new dietary habits with thousands of free healthy recipes, articles, and tips.
psychologistBehavioral health supportSupport mental health, resilience, and well-being habits with the help of clinical psychologists and experts.

Get your people to be their healthiest

Over 19,000 employers nationwide use FitOn
Health for health and prevention. 

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We’ve changed the lives of millions.
Your population is next.